Thursday, December 11, 2008

Richard wins

I posted awhile back about the space above our fireplace and how it needed to be filled with some sort of decoration. Well, Richard saw to that. Here it is. It's his take on the Stepbrothers movie poster.

It's some pretty funny shit and will probably make anyone who enters our apartment immediately think we're homos. We're not, though, ladies. Straight as an extra-straight arrow.


Unknown said...

Think, not thing, oh you...

DB said...


Donnie said...

You're right! That's funny as hell, but can you ever keep the girls from laughing--and wondering?

One Hypo said...

Nothing says "straight" better than a cartoon picture of two grown men holding each other. I think I've seen the one on the right on a national registry somewhere.

DB said...

Don, I think it'll be pretty easy considering the majority of girls who come to my apartment are imaginary.

One Hypo, you're going to have to be a little more specific. I'm on a lot of national registries. Speaking of which, you aren't a 14-year-old Asian boy, are you? 'Cause if you are, we probably shouldn't be having this conversation.