Friday, March 6, 2009

Paul Rudd: I'm not gay, but...

I remember when I was a kid and we'd have to write something in school about who our idol was. I would think and think, but I couldn't ever come up with anything. I'd either write my dad or Jesus. Both great men and solid answers that nobody can really argue with, but when I think of "idol," I think of somebody who you would want to be. I can't see an 8-year-old version of myself running around the back yard yelling, "I'm Jesus! *pew...pew...pew*"

Well, tonight I've finally discovered my idol. I guess I've known for awhile. It's Paul Rudd. Basically this guy is amazing. I just want to hang out with that guy and hope that some of his Paul Rudd-ness rubs off on me (in a totally straight way.) All of his characters are fucking hilarious with their sarcasm with just a bit of "sadness behind those eyes." You see what I did there? Totally a Paul Rudd quote.

If you disagree, watch this movie (It's on netflix instant!) It probably won't change your life, but it probably will make people question whether or not you're thinking about killing yourself!

Basically, Paul Rudd could narrate a movie starring my grandma where she orally pleasures a donkey, and I'd intently watch from beginning to donkey moneyshot. It would definitely be a lot better than that boring old one my grandpa narrated.

His glasses are like eyes! Goddamn hilarious!


Anonymous said...

you remember that post you did a while back asking who had the best movie resume over the last however many years? this was the guy i was thinking

Invisible G. said...

I have such a girl hard on for Paul Rudd.