Friday, March 7, 2008

What would you like to talk about?

I've always wanted one of those blogs where people you know...comment and stuff. Reader interaction is pretty cool. That's pretty hard with only about 1 reader, though. I was going to write something profound here today, but I'm saving it for later next week. It involves the epiphany I had the other day about how I'm kind of a dick sometimes. And by sometimes, I mean a lot. More on that next week, though.

So, blog readers, what would you like to talk about? Fucking anything. I don't care. I usually have ideas about blogs when I'm taking a dump, but due to the fact that I ate a whole cow's worth of cheese this week, the ideas (among other things) weren't exactly flowing. Poop joke.

So yeah, go for it.

This has been another lazy post brought to you by DB.

Edit: It snowed here today for about an hour. I was filled with childlike wonder the entire time. I was probably pretty adorable.


damon said...

Hey, hey, the brilliancy of this post has made me your second reader! (Unless I WAS the 1 reader you were bragging about, in which case it's just you and me contributing to your site)

I would like to talk about either of the following;
1. The Chinese industrial revolution and how it affected the global economy.
Or 2. boobs
(Your pick.)

Anonymous said...

since you already don't have a job, how is the upcoming recession going to affect you?

DB said...

Damon, when forced to choose X vs Boobs, I'll pick boobs probably 100% of the time. Unless, you know, they're my Grandma's boobs, but even then it only drops to about 85%.

Kenny, if things get really bad I'm going to retreat to the backwoods of Hardin and live off the fat of the land. Either that or it's back to the street corner for me.

Lifelong Learning in MPLS said...

Peeps and Sonic. I could go on all day about both (and if I get tired, there is always that 1/2 viagra in my car).