Thursday, February 21, 2008


Last night, while curled up on my air mattress, I prayed. I said, "God, please end all wars. Please end the suffering of the world's hungry, and last but not least God, please help my grandma with her disease."

Well, instead of the resolution of any of those, I got this, courtesy of

Shhh...shhh. Don't talk. Just admire.

I think this is better than than any of my prayers being answered. I mean, c'mon dementia really that bad? Suck it up.

Christina Aguilera is my hero. She's saying, "Listen the boobs. What can it hurt?" That's why I love her. You all should too. And you should take her advice (Laurie...)

Oh, and I also prayed for a two-headed kitten. SCORE!

1 comment:

damon said...

If we get these two together, the kittys will NEVER starve.